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Have a question about our memberships, classes, or training programs? Want to learn more about Starting Strength or our unique approach to strength training?


3A clos du Parnasse, 1050 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0) 472 74 28 26

Start your Strength Journey Today at Brussels Barbell

Fill out the form below to get started and take your first step towards a stronger, healthier you.

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      Why Us?

      Only Starting Strength Affiliate in Europe

      Expert coaching on every rep

      Barbell based strength training

      Simple. Hard. Effective.

      Start your Strength Journey Today at Brussels Barbell

      Fill out the form below to get started and take your first step towards a stronger, healthier you.

        Your details are safe with us. We will never spam and you can always unsubscribe.
        Book for
        Mike Tuchscherer's
        Seminar Now
        €125 / person

          Payment is securely processed through Stripe. We do not store or have access to your credit card details.