Terms and Conditions

I. The parties to the contract

The term « Member » refers to any natural person attending the facilities and/or courses of Brussels Barbell.

The term « Club » refers to Brussels Barbell SRL, whose registered office is located Clos du Parnasse, 3A, 1050 Brussels and whose BCE number is 0753.930.421.

II. Purpose of the contract

The purpose of these Terms and Conditions (hereinafter « T&C») is to govern the contractual relationship between the Club and the Member.

The Club reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions, its enrollment options and its rates at any time. The Club will notify the Member of the change one month prior to the effective date of the new T&C.

III. General

Unless otherwise stipulated, the contractual relations of the parties are subject to these T&C. These are deemed accepted by the Member upon registration, without any restriction or reservation. The Member therefore waives the right to rely on any contradictory document. Any deviation from these terms and conditions must be expressly approved in writing by the Club in order to be valid.

Any registration and/or subscription by the Member with the Club implies the Member's final and irrevocable agreement to these entire Terms and Conditions.

IV. Membership

Members acknowledge that their membership in the Club is strictly personal and may not be transferred to a third party, except with the express prior written consent of the Club.

The membership card, which allows access to the Club, is strictly personal and nominative.

The Member agrees that access to the Club is possible only during the days and hours of operation (see hours posted at the Club) and only upon presentation of a valid membership card.

V. Formulas

Different registration and subscription formulas are possible, namely:

VI. Terms of payment and penalties

All registrations and subscriptions are payable in advance.

For the annual subscription, the Member has the choice of paying in advance in one go or every month.

Payment is to be made by bank transfer or direct debit or cash.

If it is not possible to collect the payment (e.g. cancellation, insufficient balance, etc.), the direct debit request is sent back to the Member's bank. If the Member does not comply with his or her payment obligation, the Member's card will be blocked until the amounts due are paid in full.

If the Member no longer wishes to pay by direct debit, he or she may indicate this to Customer Service at the Club's reception desk. In this case, the direct debit will be blocked and the member will be responsible for paying the amounts due under the contract on time.

In all cases, no refund will be made to the Member.

In the event of persistent non-payment despite a formal notice of default, the Member will be considered in default of payment.

From that point on, the Club has the right to demand payment of the amounts due plus statutory interest (calculated from the due date of the amounts due), as well as a lump-sum compensation amounting to 15% of the amounts due, with a minimum of 50 euros.

The Club retains the right to demand higher compensation, subject to proof of the damage suffered, and to terminate the contract unilaterally with immediate effect, without any compensation being due to the Member.

VII. Cancellation of the subscription

VII.1. If the Member has taken out an annual subscription, he/she may terminate it at the latest four weeks before the expiry of the subscription. Otherwise, the contract will be extended for an indefinite period and can be terminated at any time without compensation, subject to a notice period of at least four weeks, starting on the first day following the next payment for four weeks.

VII.2. If the Member has taken out a flexible subscription, he/she may terminate it at any time by giving four weeks' notice, starting on the first day following the next payment for four weeks.

The subscription may be terminated either through the Club's customer service department, or by emailing steve.ross@brusselsbarbell.com or postal mail to the Club's address. The Member must specify his or her contact information in the email or postal mail.

VIII. Rights and obligations of the parties

The Club offers to the Member, during the days and hours of opening, a physical activity characterized by the provision of weight training and cardio equipment.

The Member undertakes to use the said equipment in compliance with the safety and hygiene instructions issued by the sports coach or the Club manager.

The Club will provide the Member with a certificate of honor, which must be filled out honestly and completely. Consequently, the Member guarantees the Club that he/she is fit to practice a sport, including the sports activities offered by the Club, and has the necessary knowledge to use the equipment provided. Under no circumstances may the Member hold the Club or its employees liable in this regard.

The Member agrees not to adopt any aggressive or disrespectful attitude, or one that is contrary to good morals, on pain of being denied access to the Club and of immediate termination of the contract.

IX. Liabilities

The Club excludes all liability to the Member and/or third parties, with the exception of gross negligence and fraud.

The Member is personally responsible for any accidents or damage he/she may cause. The Member is responsible for any damage caused to the equipment and appliances provided by the Club.

Members are responsible for their personal belongings.

The Club acknowledges that it has taken out a civil liability insurance policy, which can be consulted by the Member upon request.

X. Member’s Personal Data

The Member shall keep his/her personal data up to date, i.e. inform the Club immediately of any change in his/her contact details, particularly bank details and/or address.

The Member's personal data is processed in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and in accordance with the Privacy Policy attached to these terms and conditions.

XI. Applicable law and jurisdiction

The registration contract and these T&C are subject to Belgian law. Any dispute relating to the conclusion, validity, interpretation or execution of said contract and/or T&C will be brought, in the absence of an amicable agreement between the parties, before the competent courts of Brussels to which they expressly attribute jurisdiction. The language used is French.

XII. Miscellaneous

If any provision of these terms and conditions, and/or related contract, is held to be invalid in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining terms and conditions and/or related contract.

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